Agriculture and rural areas in Poland in the light of budgetary expenditures I and II pillar of the CAP in the long period. The attempt to compare / Rolnictwo i obszary wiejskie w Polsce w świetle wydatków budżetowych I i II filaru WPR w długim okresie. Próba porównania
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Full Professor Poznan University of Economics Head of the Department of Macro and Agricultural Economics
Assistant Professor Poznan University of Economics Department of Macro and Agricultural Economics
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):420-439
The purpose of this article is to assess budgetary spending targeted agriculture (first pillar) and rural areas (the second pillar) of the CAP in Poland in the long period. there was compared the structures of the EU budget spending and the national for the first and second pillar of the CAP in passing the 2007-2013 financial perspective and was assessed whether there is a convergence pattern of the aid. It shows the differences between the proportions of European and domestic spending for the objectives of the CAP implemented in Poland. Also was identified the existence of convergence between the level of spending for certain titles financed from the national budget and EU.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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