Brand identity of Lubuskie Voivodeship / Silna marka wyznacznikiem rozwoju gospodarki w województwie lubuskim
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University of Zielona Góra
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):247-258
The aim of the article is to present how big a role a brand fulfils, which is a determinant of the development of economy in Lubuskie Voivodeship. Building a strong brand becomes a task for many years. The effects can be noticed earlier through promotion actions focused on organizing all kinds of cultural events and fixtures. A strong brand is a huge source of competitive advantage. Creating a strong brand is a catalyst of the economic development of the region. A sign, logo, is not enough for the economic development to increase. The use of innovative information technologies is necessary to distinguish the region from the other ones. The driving force is to build a strong image identifying the strength of the region values. A strong brand determines the present existence and distinction on the global market.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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