Changes in placing organic functions in structure of German concern subsidiary – case study /Zmiany w rozmieszczeniu funkcji organicznych w strukturze spółki zależnej niemieckiego koncernu
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Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):170-184
This work focuses on changes in placing organic functions in organizational structure multi-entity enterprise. This problem is important, still up-to-date, especially in face of quick changes taking place in modern organizations’ surroundings. This work aims at recognition of directions of changes in placing organic functions and identification of factors causing those changes taking as an example a German concern subsidiary. The theoretical part focuses on defining main change directions in placing functions. Great attention is paid to presenting different varieties of function shifts in economic organism. The empirical part deals with identification of changes that took place in placing functions and identifying the factors causing those changes. Due to the conducted studies, one can come to the conclusion that the main directions for changes in placing functions in surveyed subsidiary was relocating the subfunctions within its units and master organization. What is more joining and dividing functions took place. These processes were influenced by the following factors: more effective use of human resources, cutting costs, paying attention to final production process, limiting organizational conflicts and improving both effectiveness and efficiency of labour. The elaboration finishes with a summary which clearly states conclusions drawn from research results.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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