Chosen determinants of coopetition between the industrial companies of the Lubusz region in the 2009-2011 period / Wybrane determinanty koopetycji przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych z województwa lubuskiego w latach 2009-2011
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University of Zielona Góra Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):219-232
Analysing the literature dealing with coopetition on both national and international levels, one cannot help but notice that this notion has recently become increasingly more popular. The same cannot be said however, of the notion of coopetition from a practical point of view. The empirical results obtained using the probit model. Analysing the influence of customer sectors for the researched companies it can be noticed that having customers in transportation and trade sectors stimulates the establishing of coopetition. Analysing the influence of relations maintained with the supply network participants it should be pointed out that only having close relations with competitors can positively influence entering into coopetition. Other kinds of relations maintained with competitors influence coopetition negatively. Coopetition is also positively influenced by maintaining only the necessary relations with customers by the industrial companies from South-East Poland. Lack of closer relations with customers forces the industrial companies to look out for other enterprises that can aid in further development of the company. Maintaining only the necessary relations with suppliers influences coopetition negatively. Considering the distance between the participants of supply network, having suppliers and customers located outside Poland influences coopetition negatively.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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