Online submission
Please use the online "
Editorial System" for manuscript submission, double-blind peer review and editorial support.
Authors' contributions
At this point, he contribution of all authors to the article should be given. Authors' contribution data includes:
- article conception
- theoretical content of the article
- research methods applied
- conducting the research
- data collection
- analysis and interpretation of results
- draft manuscript preparation
Terms and conditions for submitting manusctripts
When submitting a manuscript, the following conditions must be accepted and confirmed:
- Publication of the article is in accordance with the acceptance of the terms of publication under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license and ethical principles
- The licensed material does not infringe on the rights of others.
- All authors of the manuscript meet the criteria for authorship. It is recommended that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- significant contribution to the conception or design of the work; or acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work,
- development of the article or its critical revision for important intellectual content,
- final approval of the version for publication,
- in addition to being responsible for the parts of the article that they have completed, the author should be able to determine which co-authors are responsible for certain other parts of the manuscript. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.
- The article must be original, not already published in a journal and not currently under consideration by another journal. If any significant element of the article has been previously published, this must be declared at the time of submission.
- The submitted article should be prepared in accordance with the manuscript structure and editorial guidelines
- The article processing fee (APC) is 320 Euro. Account details can be found here.
- Data supporting this research is available from the author(s) upon request.