IT solutions in logistics of smart bike-sharing systems in urban transport
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Warsaw School of Economic (SGH), Department of Logistics
Online publication date: 2013-12-04
Management 2013;17(2):272-283
IT solutions in logistics of smart bike-sharing systems in urban transport In recent years, the public transport of Krakow, Rzeszow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Opole and Warsaw has expanded into the third generation bike-sharing programs - smart bikes. It’s an innovative solution, deploying IT systems and technology to integrate individual stations of urban bike rental system. The article presents the business model solution, its functionality from the perspective of customers and operator, and shows the role of IT solutions support in managing the logistics of rental network. An illustrative case of „Veturilo” solution implementation is presented.
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Interview conducted on May 13, 2013, with Mrs. Maria Przytulską - Head of the Program Analysis Division in the Office of Transportation and Road Infrastructure, Authority of the Capital City of Warsaw and on May 14, 2013 with Mr. Łukasz Puchalski - Head of the Department of Communication Hubs’ Management in Warsaw ZTM (Municipal Transport Authority) and Mr. Marcin Czajkowski - inspector of the Department of Communication Hubs’ Management in Warsaw ZTM (Municipal Transport Authority).
ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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