Management Issues in Medical Industry in Vietnam
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Ph.D., Thuongmai University, Hanoi, Vietnam
MBA, Banking University HCMC, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Online publication date: 2021-08-10
Management 2021;25(1):141-154
Stock exchange has impacts on activities and capitals of medical companies in Vietnam market. However, medical firms still need researches to address some management issues including good practices of governance, good resources allocation and better risk management policies. Authors uses quantitative analysis and statistics, together with qualitative methods including synthesis and explanatory methods. We figure out CPI and stock price has negative relationship while there is positive correlation between stock price and Risk free rate (Rf). In conclusion, authors also propose total quality management perspective as well as recommend macro policies that affect company performance. For example, exchange rate policy could support USD/VND just little bit while inflation policy need to be controlled at low level.
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