Marketing communication as a tool of building tourism destination competitiveness – selected issues / Efektywna komunikacja marketingowa jako element budowania konkurencyjności destynacji turystycznej
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University of Social Sciences
Online publication date: 2013-05-31
Management 2013;17(1):259-272
For a wide range of regions tourism is a critical element of their development. In effect, profound intensification of efforts intended to advance the destination’s competitiveness may be observed. A principal source of competitive advantage in the region is its product including such elements as: natural attractions, cultural attractions, festivals, sleeping accommodation, or communication infrastructure. However, it should be kept in mind that an effective tool for stimulating the tourist demand is suitable marketing communication pursued for the destination. In the paper the author provides insight into core aspects of the destination competitiveness as well as marketing communication. Theoretical contributions) were expanded by the author’s surveys designed to feature the most effective channels for communicating with a potential customer, as well as to identify key message contents, and factors at the heart of making a travelling decision
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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