Poland’s national and EU agricultural budget after 2015. Reduction in expenditures and directions of change
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University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Prof. Extraordinarius, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-06-13
Management 2019;23(1):239-250
The aim of the article was to present changes which took place in the financing of the agricultural sector in Poland after 2015, i.e. from the moment when a new economic option started to emerge in the national economic policy. A transition from the pro-liberal to the pro-social option is noticeable, which is reflected in the restrictions on expenditures in the national agricultural budget. Similar trends can be observed in the expenditures from the European funds budget, which are also increasingly lower. Symptoms of the renationalisation of the agricultural budget can also be observed, consisting in an initial increase in national expenditures and a relative decrease in the expenditures from the European funds budget, but to a different extent in the years under study. The article analyses the level, then the share of expenditures on the agricultural sector in the budget altogether and in GDP, taking into consideration both the expenditures on the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (ASIF) and funds from the EU budget. Next, it concentrates more closely on relations in the financing of domestic agriculture from national and EU funds, and finally, points to the social issues related to the agricultural sector through the prism of expenditures on ASIF.
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Projekty Ustaw budżetowych na lata 2015-2019 (Budget Bills for the years 2015-2019) and Uzasadnienia do Ustaw budżetowych na lata 2010-2019 (Explanatory memorandums to Budget Acts for the years 2010-2019), T.1. (date accessed 15 January 2019 http://www.mf.gov.pl.
ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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