Governing Body
The journal has an editorial board whose members are experts in the field of international management and economics. Their details can be found on the “Scientific Board ” page.
Editorial team/contact information
The details of the journal's editors, as well as the contact details of the editorial office, and the publisher responsible for the journal's content, are posted on the website.
license for articles published in
Management is the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Both the publishers and editors of the journal take steps to identify and prevent the publication of manuscripts in which research misconduct has occurred, including but not limited to plagiarism, manipulation of citations and data falsification/fabrication. When submitting articles, authors are asked for a conflict of interest statement.
All manuscripts are double-checked for plagiarism system:
Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate
In the event that the journal publisher or editors are informed of any allegation of research misconduct in relation to an article published in their journal - COPE guidelines will be applied when dealing with allegations.
Web site
The journal website has been developed with care to ensure high ethical and professional standards. It is constantly being updated to enhance the usability of the site and make it easier to navigate.
Conflicts of interest
We have a clear policy for dealing with potential conflicts of interest for editors, authors and reviewers - all are asked to declare no conflicts of interest.
Management is available to readers without any subscription or pay-per-view fees.
Publishing schedule
The editorial team works continuously
Data policies
The editorial board encourages data sharing and suggests that authors make their underlying data available to other researchers, choosing an appropriate public repository for archiving on a case-by-case basis.
Editorial team archives the content of Management in the digital resources of the Library of the University of Zielona Góra.
Editorial team includes the possibility of advertising as an expression of support for the development of science in the form of a company logo on the online homepage.
Direct marketing
We do not engage in email solicitation of articles and never send emails to potential authors to encourage them to submit a manuscript. In the case of very prominent researchers in management and economics, the journal sends personal invitations to submit manuscripts. In this case, the manuscript/editorial submission will be noted as 'commissioned' in a footnote to the pdf file.
Revenue sources
Revenue is derived from fees for the article publication process. For more information on fees in
Management, please see