Sense of purpose in life vs. creative activity motivators in senior managers
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University of Wroclaw Professor at the Institute of Psychology
Online publication date: 2012-12-28
Management 2012;16(2):130-140
Creative activity motivators vs. sense of purpose in life in senior managers The motivators being the subject matter of the research conducted in the 1999 and 2010 groups of managers were analysed in the context of the sense of purpose in life. Application of various motivators offers a greater opportunity to achieve better results of subordinates’ work. Strong motivation ensures perseverance in actions taken. A well-motivated employee displays resistance to tiredness and strives to attain goals set by his/her company’s management. It is worth noting that remuneration, as a motivator, although still mentioned as one of key factors motivating human behaviour, seems to be losing its significance in favour of such criteria as autonomisation of decisions or expecting superiors’ support. Results of the PIL test examining the sense of purpose in life in group No. 1 and 2 are above average in each category, which indicates a strong sense of purpose in life among respondents who achieved professional success. The research also points to fulfilment of one’s own potential. The values have increased, which means that the subjective sense of purpose in life among managers questioned in recent years has become stronger. The research and analyses conducted proved that efficient management of employees required deep understanding of research on motivation. The existence of relevant motivation regulators should persuade entrepreneurs to change their methods of activating employees at different stages of their professional development.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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