The problem of innovativeness and competitiveness of the Polish economy is rising to strategic importance in the new EU financial perspective for 2014-2020. It is strongly related to social capital. This paper contains the results of the research on the relationship between social capital and innovative companies and the existing barriers to the implementation of innovative functions by this capital in Greater Poland. The data used have come from independent studies carried out on two collectivities of managers. Each one was composed of about 150 participants. Surveyed managers have indicated medium and low ratings regarding the attributes of social capital of their own employees. These shortcomings of individual social capital have not been reduced in the expected network process of value-added relationships reflected in a higher group capital. Opinions of entrepreneurs on different forms of innovative potential of employees expressed in a five point rating scale have ranged from 3.82 to 2.47, and the average value stands at 2.97. Nevertheless, most companies have not undertaken any action to prepare and shape the pro-innovation attitude of its employees.
Only a few companies have initiated or strengthened the knowledge and information management system, methods to motivate employees to submit innovative ideas or shaping the competences supporting innovative processes. In reflection on this problem we find the need to identify the causative factors that increase the potential for innovation and its efficiency by improving the level and structure of social capital in the future.
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