Socially responsible university from the perspective of a student as a stakeholder – a pilot study report
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Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Quality Science, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-12-21
Management 2019;23(2):80-97
The article presents results and conclusions of a pilot study. This study aimed to determine the importance of distinguishing (model) characteristics for students of SRU, shaping mutual relations with students in five dimensions distinguished by the authors (values, relations, graduate, education, efficient organization) and to indicate the importance of these dimensions by students. It was found that education is the most important dimension for students, and it should be included in the social responsibility strategy implemented by the university, because it leads to the formation of a graduate desired in the modern labour market in the KBE. The features of particular dimensions identified by the authors were considered important by the respondents. They constitute a certain model to which universities can be compared, and which can be a hint as to what to look for when designing activities addressed to students as internal stakeholders of socially responsible university.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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