Whilst there is significant research on supply chain finance, there is little information about its application to the omnichannel logistics. Hence, the primary adopted goal is to identify the ways of supporting the implementation and development of SSCM with use of Artificial Intelligence and developed SSCF implementation model. Potential paths to improve supply chain’s sustainability based on SSCF and AI are presented on the example of two internationally operating companies from the clothing industry using omnichannel. An exploratory case study has been conducted. Three methods were used to gather data: document/reports analysis, direct and participative observation and unstructured interviews. By implementing AI, supply chain leaders can more easily improve all key dimensions of sustainability, especially in the strategic field, based on strengthening partnership and cooperation with suppliers offering value-added materials that guarantee a competitive advantage. The paper contributes to the limited existing literature on SSCF and AI and disseminates this information to provide impetus, guidance and support toward increasing the productivity, efficiency, consistency and quality of service.
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