The application of supply chain analysis to the evaluation of the effectiveness of social service organizations
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University of Economics, Katowice
Online publication date: 2012-12-28
Management 2012;16(2):199-216
The application of supply chain analysis to the evaluation of the effectiveness of social service organizations The identification and analysis of value chains is a way to find the sources of an organization’s in-/efficiency, and an opportunity to explore how an organization is managed. Having in mind that an “organization network” is a form similar, in its functioning, to a separate organization, one may, using the value chain concept, investigate the management of local activity programmes, as of the networks they are. The researched partnerships introduced a management innovation, in that the social service provision organizations were brought together to form one chain. The researched organizations providing social services have introduced innovations in management that are supposed to unite organizations providing social services in a single chain. This kind of approach allows to obtain additional benefits, including the joint management of subjects composing the chain. In practice, it is also connected with sharing benefits between the participants in the chain, as well as replacing the elements of competition and suspicion with cooperation and trust. Delivering value to the beneficiary, under the provision of social services, is important not only from the point of view of humanity, but also in order to maximize the use of resources, usually insufficient to meet all the needs. The presented studies of supply chains of social services in Silesia showed, that some features of these newly created areas being subject of joint management, still crave for numerous improvements. What may help is logistics, in particular business logistics, having years of experience in the area of observation and active participation in the chain management. However, unconditional adaptation of these experiences is not possible due to the fact that developed methods are based on cost and maintenance compromises, which are insensitive to human needs when the service cost for the chain is not sufficiently profitable. Therefore, it is necessary to implement different methods of managing these chains, principles of which are described in the social logistics. The authors are convinced that combination of the efforts of the organizers of social services and experienced logistics professionals can bring a double benefit. In practical terms it may help to improve the delivery of services with no deterioration of their quality, and to increase the range of services (quantitative or qualitative) based on specific resources. In the epistemological dimension it may enable to develop rules to adapt the theory of logistics for the socially significant needs. Therefore, this paper can be considered as the beginning of the discussion in this regard.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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