The state and the development prospects of the Lubusz cluster initiative „The Lubusz Wine and Honey Route”
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University of Zielona Góra
Online publication date: 2012-12-28
Management 2012;16(2):155-174
The state and the development prospects of the Lubusz cluster initiative “The Lubusz Wine and Honey Route”. The concept of economic clusters, which are an effective way of seeking synergy effects resulting from cooperation of individual entities, became a synonym for the success of the economy of the region. The prospect of potential benefits for enterprises and regions, resulting from functioning of the bunches, encourages their potential participants to engage in creation and development of cluster structures. Such deliberate and organized effort of crucial players of the cluster, aimed at improvement in its competitiveness, is defined as a cluster initiative. The aim of this article is to analyse the state and the development prospects of the Lubusz cluster initiative „The Lubusz Wine and Honey Route”.It is in the article that the theoretical issues associated with problems of clusters and cluster initiatives were discussed. It is later in this article that a brief characterization of the cluster potential of the Lubusz Voivodeship with particular emphasis on the wine industry was carried out. It is in the third part of the article that the findings of empirical research carried out were presented. Next, further to the discussed research, the conclusions and recommendations were presented for the best ways of supporting the development of the wine industry as well as the described cluster initiative.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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