The use of e-commerce in the promotion and sale of hand made products
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1Ph.D. University of Szczecin Faculty of Management and Economics of Services, Szczecin, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-06-26
Management 2018;22(1):154-162
The use of e-commerce in the promotion and sale of hand made products On one hand, virtually regardless of the industry, with the development of e-commerce today traders are becoming better opportunity to present as well as sell their products. On the other hand, steadily increases a group of people who more often and more willingly decide to buy custom and unique products, which are being mostly made by hand by small companies or by individuals. It should not surprise anyone, that the market of hand made products offered via the Internet is growing at a rapid pace. For this reason, the article presents and systematizes basic usability of e-commerce by the makers of hand made products.
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ISSN:1429-9321 (1997-2019)
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